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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


She sits in solitude staring out of a window. Tears swell in the corner of her eyes as thoughts of loneliness begins to settle in. Far beyond her youthful years, etched into her face, are wisdom and maturity of an old soul. From centuries of bondage and slavery, she inherits the strength of her ancestors. Her smile covers up the turmoil that lives within her. Her voice is that of a mother of nations, yet no one pays attention. Her trust for men, gone! Her heart bleeds from trials and tribulations of past relations. She’s been beat down, torn, and verbally abused. For all that she’s been through, and all that she’s going through, her faith in a higher being is no more. All of this is shielded by a smile that proclaims that all is well.

She yearns to be consoled by the affection of a man. She desires the touch of passion that he should bring into her world. From him, she wants a sense of security. She wants a positive male figure, a father for the off springs in which she nurtures. She wants to be able to believe in and to have trust in a man again.
Are these things really that hard for her to have? Is there even a bit of hope?

He takes notice of her as she walks by on the daily with her head held high and a forced smile on her face. In her, he sees a woman scarred. He longs to grasp and to hold her in his arms. He wants to protect her, mend her tattered heart, and assure her that all will be well. He longs to shower her with flowers that compliments her beauty. He desires to surprise her with visits to her job just to spend time with her as she breaks for lunch. He wants to be the one to restore her lost faith in men and give her children the family setting in which they deserve. He wants to bring joy into her world, show her compassion, and embrace her every thought. He wants to be the person in which she confides in, the one whom she believes in. He wants to be her rock, her best friend, her everything. He desires to carry the burden of her pain, lift her upon a pedestal, and cherish her as a Queen.

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